Symptoms And Remedies For Migraines

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Symptoms and Remedies for Migraines

Migraines are pulsing headaches that often come with a myriad of symptoms, including light or noise sensitivity and nausea.

Millions of people suffer from migraines each year. These pulsing headaches often come with a myriad of symptoms, including light sensitivity, noise sensitivity, pain and nausea. Learning how to differentiate between a migraine and a cluster headache does not have to be difficult when you know what to look for. Once you have determined the type of headache you have, you can help alleviate the headache.

Signs of a Migraine


Auras are often experienced with a migraine. Auras can be described as flickering lights, jagged lines and spots. They tend to occur approximately one hour before the pain begins. Auras can last between five minutes an one hour.

Pulsating Pain

Pain that throbs on one side of the head is often a classic symptom of a migraine. Unlike a normal headache, the pain associated with migraine headaches seem to pulsate to your heartbeat. Additionally, many sufferers explain the pain as the sensation of a knife twisting behind their eye.

Sensory Auras

Sensory auras are described as numbness or pins and needles feeling that occurs during or right before a migraine headache. Oftentimes, these sensations only occur on one side of the body and extend from the fingertips up to the face.


Approximately three quarters of migraine sufferers experience nausea during a migraine headache. Additionally, many people say that the nausea is directly proportional to the severity of the pain experienced.

Light, Noise and Smell Trigger and Worsen Pain

During a migraine attack, most patients seek out a quiet dark place to help alleviate the pain. This is because light, noise and smell can exacerbate the pain of a migraine headache.

Home Remedies for Migraine Sufferers

When it comes to alleviating migraines, there are many home remedies that can help ease the pain and symptoms with natural remedies, including essential oils .

Symptoms and Remedies for Migraines

Lavender Oil

Lavender oil not only smells great, but it can also help alleviate pain. This potent herbal remedy can be applied topically to the head or inhaled. Lavender oil can be applied to the forehead without diluting; however, if it is going to be inhaled, it needs to be diluted. Most people find placing four drops of lavender oil in two cups of boiling water and slowly inhaling for thirty minutes can relieve the pain and nausea associated with migraine headaches.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint can help open and close blood vessels to help control blow flow. Oftentimes, headaches occur because of poor blood flow. Peppermint oil can help promote blood flow allowing more oxygen to enter the bloodstream and help ease pain. This potent oil should be inhaled to help open the sinuses.

Basil Oil

The strong, pungent herb, basil, acts as a natural headache remedy. Applied topically, this oil can help relax tight muscles and tension, which often cause headaches. The muscle relaxing components in basil may help loosen tense muscles.

There are many symptoms associated with migraine headaches. These symptoms are very troubling to millions of patients each year.

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